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New Duty Sergeant/ Duty Corporal Roles

Starting this February, we will be transitioning into a new duty system that will provide more hands-on work for our younger cadets and newer NCOs.

Each week, the assigned Duty Flight will provide 1 Sergeant and 2 Corporals to assist with the night's operational taskings. They will be listed on the Monthly Routine Orders found on the home page. If the assigned NCOs and Cpls are not present, the Flight Commander will delegate replacements immediately.

Role of Duty:

  1. At the beginning of the night, you will take a table and two chairs from Supply and set it up at the entrance of BCIT. You will also need to take the Duty Binder from the Office as well the provided DUTY NCO brassards.

  2. You will be in charge of going past all classrooms and notifying instructors that there are 5 minutes left till the next block (simply knock on the window portion and put up a 🖐️.) Cadets who can see the Duty NCO should relay the message to the instructor if they cannot see them.

  3. Duty Cadets are excused from regular training on their assigned week.

Role of the Sergeant: Stay at the desk to deal with late cadets and tasks by Officers - also needs to do a walkthrough of all classrooms with the Duty Officer to make sure everything is clean before leaving

Role of the Corporals: Walk around during the training night and monitor classes, stand on the side during parades to assist with Med NCOs and form a flight for late cadets.

For the month of February, one or two Operations NCOs will help out with assisting with the transition while the remainder of Operation NCOs will help Administration NCOs. Operations will make sure the Duty Flight knows their duties and notify the Flight Commanders should they forget.



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